The tension, suspense and passion in romantic suspense all wrapped up in one book keeps me reading and writing. Give me a dark, sexy story with alpha males and kick-ass women who weave their way through death and fear only to emerge stronger because of, and on occasion in spite of, their love for each other. These novels are fast paced, rollercoaster rides that can leave the reader breathless and looking for more.
Jerrie Alexander is one of the many talented authors who belong to the Romance Writers of America’s Kiss of Death chapter. At Kiss of Death we believe that every great romance should include suspense. Whether a spy thriller in Regency times, a paranormal romance with a revenge-seeking zombie, or a traditional serial killer after the heroine, romance relies on suspense, leading the reader through the trials of the heroine and hero to see if they will get their happily ever after ending. If you can call your writing suspenseful, then the Kiss of Death has something for you! Find out more and join at http://www.rwamysterysuspense.org and follow us on Twitter at @RWAKissofDeath. Also, check out the Kiss of Death’s Recipes To Die For cookbook featuring recipes from our members.
Jerrie writes alpha males and kick-ass women with a hint of humor. They weave their way through death and fear to emerge stronger because of, and on occasion in spite of, their love for each other. Find out more about Jerrie and her upcoming release, The Green Eyed Doll, at http://jerriealexander.com and follow her on Twitter at @JerrieAlexander.
Love Me To Death
“Grabbing the reader by the throat from almost the first page, this pulse-ratcheting romantic suspense from Brennan (Original Sin) delivers intense action, multifaceted characters, and a truly creepy bad guy. FBI hopeful Lucy Kincaid is trying to heal from a brutal attack six years earlier. She volunteers at a program dedicated to luring and rearresting repeat sex offenders via the Internet, but then discovers a horrifying connection between her work and the execution-style murders of the parolees. PI Sean Rogan, a friend of Lucy's brothers, becomes focused on protecting her at any cost, and their mutual passion flares. As Lucy draws closer to the truth, effective red herrings litter the way and throw her deeper into confusion. Also confusing are a too large cast and intricate backstory from the previous related titles, the only things marring this fast-paced, engrossing read.” - Publisher’s Weekly
For an opportunity to win a copy of Love Me To Death, leave a comment and mention one of your favorite things about romantic suspense and your email addie. The winner will be randomly drawn. (Sorry, U.S. residents only)
Yay, two of my favorite authors right here in one place. As someone who's read the Green Eyed Doll and read most all of Allison Brennan's work, I totally agree you're in for good reads for all the reasons Jerrie stated. Not too long for your release, huh, Jerrie? Details on how it's going!!!
I'm such a fan of both authors. The Green Eyed Doll is an amazing read. Allison Brennan is a phenom unto herself and deserves all the attention her career gets. Jerrie's work is so engaging, suspenseful, and well done, she'll soon be another author on our forever keeper shelf. Keep us posted.
Sorry, I'm late to the party! I was so caught up reading my critique partner's submission, I lost track of time.
Donnell you an Barb are soo right about Allison! And to have her give away one of her books today, it's too exciting. (I'm one of her friendly stalkers!)
No release date yet. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I hear soon.
There's so many great romantic suspense author's in the KOD chapter. Each with their own unique voice! I recommend reading them all.
Great post, Jerrie! I love all the different answers in what pulls the KOD writers toward Romantic Suspense. Can't wait to hear about your new release!
My friends and family (ok, I'll cop to it...Jerrie is my mother!) try to get me to read "outside of my box" which is Romantic Suspense/Thrillers. But I have to admit, I like what I like! The Green Eyed Doll WILL be a hit. Just like Allison Brennan's material, it grabs you and never lets you go. I can't wait to get my hands on Allison's new book! Still holding my breathe for Mom's release date too....
Thanks Larissa! I hope I hear something, a book cover or date soon.
Ya'll don't forget to leave your email address...you do NOT want to miss reading Allison Brennan's Love Me To Deat!
Always nice to see you on-line Jerrie !
Romantic Suspense in any setting or time period, is awesome. The fast-past action or slow gothic mystery is easy to read and keeps my interest. Love it!
Aaww! Thank you, Jackie. My baby's just the best. But she forgot to leave her email addy too.
jpress1206@aol.com Thanks for the reminder!!!
Jackie Pressley
Oh. Darn. barbarahan24@yahoo.com
Romantic suspense covers such a wide range - from hot sexy reads that focus on the relationship to page turning suspense where the relationship is an important subplot. Something for everyone!
Angie and Cathy! Thanks for stopping by. You're both right, any time setting or period, the suspense and relationship is what keeps us turning the page.
I just love that it grabs you and sucks you in. You have to know whats going to happen next. It's the best of both worlds, mystery and romance! :) Love your books!
Good luck, Amber! Thanks for stopping by.
Shoot! I posted a comment earlier, or so I thought ... bad me! I love your comment Jerrie about why you love RS, and I totally agree. I think when someone you love is in jeopardy, the story is so much stronger :)
Thanks everyone for the kind words!
Thank you, Allison for stopping by and providing the giveaway. It made my day when Avery told me it was your book!!
Not kind words..facts!
I'm a long time Allison fan, and never miss on of her books. I especially love the Kincaid series.
So, Jerrie,remember my standing wordless in front of Allison at the Orlando conference? And now here you are in a blog with her. Wow!
Those of us who've read "Doll" can't wait for it to come out so others can enjoy the thrills, chills, and worry over whether her H & H can work out their issues.
IMHO, RS is the best of all reading worlds. One without the other is like not having enough salt or pepper in your soup. Just blah.
Last thing, Sandra, this is a beautiful blog.
Thanks, Marsha! I'll pay you later! No really, I appreciate the nice words.
Marsha and I attended a workshop held by Allison in Orlando. It was priceless to watch Marsha, who is never at a loss for words, turn mute when we went up to introduce ourselves!
Sandra's blog is outstanding, and I sooo appreciate her hosting me today!
It was my pleasure, Jerrie. I'm so glad you stopped by. Nice to see Allison too:)
hi here my email desi the blonde@ msn.com
hi im desi and say that i love the book i do not think i read any of the book i do read up to 4 week if i can and then i would love to read your book and the female are finally getting some more power cool
Desi, thanks for stopping by. Good luck, you'd love the book.
I love the pace and the suspense of romantic suspense. And I think the romance tend to be a bit more steamy because of the suspense!!
Savannah! You are so right. The pace and suspense are nerve wracking. And the steamy romance has to be as intense.
I had the honor of being a Beta reader on Jerrie's book the Green Eyed Doll. There was great tension and hot romance. I see great things in the future for this talented writer.
Betty Peters
Many thanks to Betty! You're compliment is much appreciated!
I love where the myster's location. I fell in love with Key West through a story. Then I fell in love New Orleans because of a story. So I went to visit these places and I loved them too. I love Allison Brennan. Not in that creepy, stalker way...just a fan. Great blog Sandra.
Thanks, Marsha:) Glad you stopped by.
I can't wait to get my mitts on Green-eyed Doll. I've been hearing about how great it is forever.
And Allison Brennan...that woman can write anything.
Thanks, Mary. Glad you stopped by.
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