I actually had lovely (at least in my mind) long nails. But since they didn't retract at will like Wolverine's, I couldn't fasten my buttons or necklace clasps, pick change up off the floor.. well you get my drift.
Somethings I could do but with difficulty:
Write with a pen. Though I must admit it was challenging taking notes in meetings.
Pop a tab on a can
Of course it didn't slow fork work down.
Maybe its like learning to walk, you just have to practice using them. Regardless, I had them cut back. Sigh. They aren't completely gone, just no longer that perfect length of long.

The link: http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/54683

Well, you win some, you lose some.
Short nails are more practical and in the end it's better to have healthy ons I reckon
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