Even though Yoga is excellent for mental and physical well being...
The block we sit on hurts our backs
The hour spent kickboxing goes much quicker
Yoga is very relaxing. The middle of a work day is not the best time to be relaxed
Maybe most important of all...
We both realized we needed manicures
A golden glow bathed the room as I stared at the most beautiful man I’d ever seen. Thick,
tawny, almost leonine hair capped his skull. His unusual amber eyes glowed like a cat’s. Skin stretched taut and smooth over high cheekbones. His lips made my mouth water. My face must have reflected the same rapture I saw on his. Unfortunately, his gaze was fastened on my necklace. MINDER
Great Excerpt. leaves me wanting more, much more.
Hey Mom Jane, Thanks! I really appreciate hearing that.
Julia, :)
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