Friday, December 17, 2021

This Friday's Read: MOUNTAIN LAUREL CHRISTMAS by Jan Sikes


Thank you, Sandra, for inviting me to your blog site to talk about my newest release, Mountain Laurel Christmas. I appreciate your generosity.

Entirely my pleasure, Jan. I’m happy to have you and feature this special story for the holiday season.


1.    My main character was born Norbert Angus Anderson. His father was a coal miner who perished in a mine collapse when Norbert was only twelve. Living in a shack on the side of the Cumberland Mountains with his mother, sister, and little brother, poverty was a constant way of life.Music was this little family’s salvation.Norbert’s father had the gift of music and passed it down to his sons. 

2.  2.     After the death of both parents, Norbert was utterly alone. He went to Ohio to stay with his sister for a while, but he had a powerful dream that pushed him to Nashville. He was determined to break into the music business. It was then he changed his name for the first time. He introduced himself as Andy Roberts, ditching the Norbert Angus for good.

3.    When superstar, Corinna South, hired Andy as an opening act for her shows, she again changed his name. Norbert Angus Anderson, aka Andy Roberts, became Cole Knight. With Corinna’s influence, he made it big in the music world. He was living the dream.

Yet, he was dying inside. Haunted by grief, guilt, and loneliness, he turned to alcohol to numb the pain.

 When the story begins, Cole is deep into a bottle of whiskey when a reporter’s insistent questions raise old memories and spur Cole into action. He cannot continue to live under this dark cloud. 



 A single strand of blinking Christmas lights reflects off newly fallen snow through the lone front window of my favorite downtown pub. A metallic cutout hangs over the bar, proclaiming it’s a Merry Christmas.

I snort. Merry, my ass. I haven’t felt the meaning of that word for a long time. But this year, even less than the ones before.

“Tell me, Mr. Knight. What’s it like bein’ a big singin’ star?”

I turn my attention from the shot glass nestled comfortably in my hand to the watery blue eyes of an overweight fellow in a cheap leisure suit and overcoat. “I reckon it’s okay. But if you don’t mind, I’d like to drink in peace.”

The heavyset man eases his rear up on the barstool next to me and motions to the bartender. “I understand, and I hate to intrude, but I’m tryin’ real hard to get established as a reporter. I need a story bad. What was it like for you growing up?”

Shifting away from the intrusive interviewer, I stare past him at a memory as vivid as if it were yesterday. 



 Orphaned, his family torn apart by tragedy, Cole Knight has come a long way from a ramshackle miner’s cabin on the side of the Cumberland Mountain.

Daring to follow an impossible dream, he’s made it big in the music business. Now, he’s a country music sensation with a huge house, fancy cars, plenty of willing women, money, and adoring fans. He should be on top of the world. Instead, he’s drowning in a swirling pool of self-contempt and relentless guilt.

It’s easier to lose himself in a bottle than face the hard truth...he hasn’t delivered on a promise he made to his father.

It’s almost Christmas, and the sting of failure drives him back to that tiny cabin in the mountains. But has he waited too late to put the shattered pieces back together—to find himself and restore a lost family?  















Elephant's Child said...

Thank you both for the heads up on yet another intriguing book.

Valerie-Jael said...

This sounds really good, good luck to Jan on the release. Hugs, Valerie

Valerie-Jael said...

Just bought it on Amazon!

Jan Sikes said...

Thank you for visiting! I hope the story intrigues you enough to pick it up!

Jan Sikes said...

Oh, thank you, Valerie!! I am doing a happy dance at your comment. Thank you for purchasing Mountain Laurel Christmas! I hope you enjoy it!!

Jan Sikes said...

Thank you, Sandra, for generously supporting Mountain Laurel Christmas on your blog site today!! I am deeply grateful!

Staci Troilo said...

I loved this story. So nice to see it spotlighted here.

Joan Hall said...

Nice to see Jan's book featured here.

B. Weeks said...

So good to see Jan Sikes and her work being promoted here, Sandra. Thank you for sharing.

D.L. Finn said...

I loved this story, Sandra. Happy to see it here :) Have a great weekend! xo

Sandra Cox said...

It does sound intriguing doesn't it, EC?

Sandra Cox said...


Sandra Cox said...

Entirely my pleasure, Jan.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Nice of you to feature Jan on your blog, Sandra. Once again, you have given us a wonderful gift in the form of a book review that makes me want to learn more about this book and the author. Holiday wishes, dear.

John Howell said...

Thank you for hosting Jan, today, Sandra. Congratulations, Jan

xtine said...

thankyou for share
máy lạnh tủ đứng

Jan Sikes said...

Thank you, Staci! I appreciate your recommendation!

Jan Sikes said...

Thank you, Joan! I appreciate your support!

Jan Sikes said...

Thank you so much, Beem, for taking the time to stop by and leave a comment! Much appreciated!

Jan Sikes said...

Thank you, Denise! I appreciate your support!

Jan Sikes said...

Thank you for your lovely comment, Bleubeard and Elizabeth. I am thrilled that you want to learn more about the story!

Jan Sikes said...

Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment, John!

Jan Sikes said...

Thank you for stopping by, xtine!

J.P. Alexander said...

Se ve genial gracias por la recomendación

Sandra Cox said...

Thanks for stopping by, Staci, and letting us know how much you enjoyed the story. Good to hear.

Sandra Cox said...

Thanks for stopping by and supporting Jan, Beem.

Sandra Cox said...

Thanks for stopping by and supporting Jan, Joan.

Sandra Cox said...

Thanks for sharing that, Denise:)
You have a great weekend also, my friend.

Sandra Cox said...

It does sound good, doesn't it, Elizabeth.
And Holiday wishes to you, dear Elizabeth. I'm enjoying my card.

Sandra Cox said...

My pleasure, John. Thanks for stopping by and supporting Jan.

Sandra Cox said...

Thanks for stopping by;)

Sandra Cox said...

You are most welcome, J.P.

Rajani Rehana said...

So beautiful post

Rajani Rehana said...

Read my new post

Computer Tutor said...

You brought back great memories of this book. Congratulations to Jan on such a magnificent success.

Lee said...

I'm in search of a good book or two, or read, and am not having much luck. I bought a set of five the other day, by a particular author, but after the first 26 pages of the first book I was so frustrated and annoyed by the writing, I couldn't read any further. I gave the brand new, barely touched set away.

ashok said...

Nice post.

Sandra Cox said...

Thank you:)

Sandra Cox said...

I'm hearing all kinds of good things about it. Thanks for sharing and Happy Holidays:)

Sandra Cox said...

That's always disappointing. Sorry it was a frustrating experience for you.

Sandra Cox said...

Thanks, Ashok. Jan made some lovely graphics to include.

nashvillecats2 said...

Great post Sandra, hope you're safe and well.


Sandra Cox said...

Yvonne, How lovely to see you. How are you?


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