Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Ketch-up Day

 So...Comic Con was packed. There was probably half a dozen folks that wore Covid masks, I wasn't one of them. Yes, I caught the big CO and it wasn't Cold. As you can see, Diane was smarter than I was and came through the Con fine. This was originally a picture of the two of us she sent me, but since I looked a hundred years old, which is pretty close to accurate, I cut myself out;)  

So far, my symptoms are mild. Thank goodness I had my shots and boosters.

Remember mood rings? They were selling them at the con. Had to have one;)

How about some more rocks?  Wink. Wink.

Got rocks? Had Covid? Been to a con?


Elephant's Child said...

I am so sorry you have covid, and hope that the symptoms continue to be mild - and quickly disappear. Hugs.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Sandra - had rocks, no - no covid, and no not been to a con ... but I do hope you get over the Covid quickly ... take care. Hilary

Valerie-Jael said...

Sorry you caught Covid. I haven't had it - yet! But I LOVE thos rocks, I wish they were in m collection! Get well soon! Hugs, Valerie

Adam said...

Luckily I dodge covid-19 like Neo does bullets in The Matrix

CJ Kennedy said...

I hope you're feeling better. I haven't been to a con. Mood rings were so fun. Love that color. Wow glow in the dark minerals. Like mood rings for rocks!

Jeanie said...

I'm so sorry to hear you got Covid and am glad it hasn't been too bad for you. But I guess it is another validation of the importance of masking in crowds, which has become lax everywhere (even, sometimes, with me.) I can see the temptation of not wearing one -- it's getting old. I do hope the recovery is swift and you don't get nearly so sick as Rick! Get well soon, my friend!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Sorry that you caught it. We still wear ours in crowds. Cool you got to attend the con though.

Jamie Ghione said...

So sorry you got COVID. I hope you feel better soon.
Pretty Rocks, BTW.

D. Wallace Peach said...

So sorry that you caught the big CO, Sandra, but I'm glad to hear that you're symptoms aren't too bad. Here's to a speedy recovery. And thanks for more rock pictures. Fascinating!

Christine said...

Amazing rocks.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Sorry to read you caught covid. I still wear a mask everywhere. I can't every be too careful. Nice your friend did, too.

Wonderful rocks. I was impressed with several of them. Such different colors.

Feel better soon, dear Sandra.

D.L. Finn said...

Love all the rock pics! I think I still have my mood ring from way back. They are so much fun. Sorry COVID hit you. Feel better soon xo

Birgit said...

Oh no! I am so sorry that you got Covid. I hope your Hubby is spared so he can go do groceries etc.. I hope you only have mild symptoms too. The rocks are so cool especially the ones that glow in the dark. It's amazing how they are formed. Take care and drink peppermint tea-soothes the throat and head.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

You do not look 100! LOL I'm still really sorry you caught it. Now you know why I wear an K95 mask to events.

Sandra Cox said...

Thanks, EC. I think I'm on the mend. How are you?
Thanks, Hils. Appreciate it.

Sandra Cox said...

Thank you, Val. Don't get it. You don't need it.
Heh. Good on you, Adam;)
CJ, Mood rings for rocks-I love it!
Thank you so much, Jeanie. Appreciate the well wishes.
Alex, Good thinking on your part.

Sandra Cox said...

Thanks, Jamie. I appreciate that.
Thanks, Diana. Appreciate the well wishes. Glad you like the rocks;)
They are, aren't they, Christine?
Elizabeth, Good on you for masking. Being in the gems and mineral room was like being in a candy shop:)
Denise, I can't believe you still have your mood ring! Good job!
Thanks, Birgit. So far, he's going strong.
Diane, I agree completely. I'm a mask girl that got lazy:)

J.P. Alexander said...

Lindas rocas cuidate. Espero que estes mejor del covid. Te mando un beso.

Jacqui Murray--Writer-Teacher said...

Both my kids got it. I wouldn't mind a mild case to get the natural immunity.