Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Ketch-up Day


How are you? How was your weekend and how goes your week?

We went to Blowing Rock Tuesday.

Here are a few shots from the car. And they really don't do the mountains justice.

This was taken at the outlet mall. I thought it was a fun idea.

And we picked these up at a little outdoor kiosk.  The raspberry and pistachio cake weren't as good as I anticipated, but that cheesecake. OMG.


More Eternal Garden Pics

Besides 'tater plants cropping up from the compost pile, looks like I've got a tomato plant going too. Heh.

I had to get a hydrangea pic in for Andrew:)


FYI: For those that read Westerns, the e version of  Keeper Tyree is free today at Amazon.


That's it for today:)


Christine said...

Lovely mountains -Christine cmlk79.blogspot.com

Elephant's Child said...

Lovely mountain drive and simply gorgeous flowers. Love the bee in the last.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Sandra - a drive in the early summer weather is always a delight - the countryside looks so enticing. I love this time of year for a drive. I prefer savoury things ... but today may end up with tea and cake. Love those flowers - hydrangeas remind me of Cornwall ... potatoes and tomatoes = delicious! Cheers Hilary

Andrew said...

I checked where Blowing Rock is located. The roads look very winding. It is a curious name. You ate both cakes? There is certainly a lot happening in your garden, with lots of colour.

Valerie-Jael said...

Lovely photos. I read Keeper Tyree, and although I am no a western fan, I loved it! Hugs, Valerie

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Beautiful mountains on that side of the state.

Jeanie said...

Your garden is really rocking it! Glorious color and profoundly beautiful! Blowing Rock is a fun visit -- I remember going there once when we stayed at Rick's dad's.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I'd never heard of Blowing Rock, but the mountain views are spectacular (says the lady who lives in the flat lands).

Your garden is truly amazing. Stunning and colorful views and I loved the hosta. Simply wonderful photos.

Birgit said...

Even thoughbim scared of heights, I'm drawn to the mountains and these are great pics. Love your garden with the brilliant pink and I love hydrangeas as well. I had my big 60th on Sunday but I was just beggin. We went out for Thai on Saturday night and it was nice to get together. I was so tired on my birthday that I was in and out of sleeping all day.

D.L. Finn said...

What a beautiful drive and mountains, Sandra. I love those flowers too! I hope anyone who hasn't read Keeper Tyree takes advantage of today's offer. Such a fantastic read. Hugs xo

Sandra Cox said...

They are, aren't they, Christine.
Hils, It is enticing for sure. Hope you enjoyed your tea and cake. Cheers,
Andrew, Blowing Rock got its name because it forms a flume. Here's a link if you want it. theblowingrock.com/how-the-blowing-rock-got-its-name/
Haha on the cakes. The HH got the cheesecake, ate half of it and decided I could have the remaining gazillion calories. I'm still working on the pistachio, raspberry cake.
Thanks, Val. I very much appreciate that. Hugs received and returned.
For sure, Alex:)
Thanks, Jeanie:) Blowing Rock is fun and it has the added advantage of only being an hour and a half away.
Elizabeth, Blowing Rock is very scenic for sure. We are going to have to get you some Hostas.
Happy BDay,Birgit. Glad you went out and celebrated.
Thanks, Denise;) Appreciate ya:) Hugs received and returned:)

David M. Gascoigne, said...

So much wonderful colour in your garden. Makes me happy just looking at it.

Computer Tutor said...

You had fun!

Citu said...

Lindas montañas Me dio gnas de pastel de queso. Te mando un beso.

Sandra Cox said...

What a lovely thing to say, David. Thank you.
Jacqui, The mountains are always a joy.
J.P. The cheesecake was delish:) Sending you hugs

Jamie Ghione said...

Such pretty flowers. Lots of color.

I like the chess thing at the mall.