Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Writerly Wednesday AND Did You Know

 What's your word, synonym, definition or sentence for:

Example: There wasn't a cloud in the welkin.

Definition at





 Did you know, you should drink your tea out of a red mug?


For more information, visit CJ's blog:




Andrew said...

I've never heard of the word. I seems to mean sky. I don't drink tea, so I am safe.

Donna said...

SO interesting was that tea video!! Thank you!

Birgit said...

I did not know that word at all. Where does it come from? Why only out of a red mug?

Christine said...

Fun post!

Christine said...

And thanks for that tea video, amazing

Valerie-Jael said...

I don't drink tea! Hugs, Valerie

Sandra Cox said...

Andrew, Another coffee drinker;) Works for me. Yes, it does mean sky. Good job.

Sandra Cox said...

That CJ finds some good ones, doesn't she?:)

Sandra Cox said...

Who'd a thought, huh?

Sandra Cox said...

Done and done then:) Hugs received and returned.

DUTA said...

I never came upon the 'welkin' word.
As for tea, I hardly drink any. I might drink a cup or two during winter to combat the flu, and don't mind the cup, glass, or jug.

J.P. Alexander said...

No lo sabía. Te mando un beso.

Kinga K. said...

Interesting :D

Jamie Ghione said...

Once again, I did not know any of these things. And I early drink tea.

Sandra Cox said...

Birgit, It's middle English. You'll need to watch the video for the red mug:)

Sandra Cox said...

It's a very old word and has origins in English and German. I usually have a cup of tea in the evening and can drink iced tea any ole time:)

Sandra Cox said...

J.P. Sending you hugs.

Sandra Cox said...

Jamie, Are you a coffee drinker?

Truedessa said...

I don't think I have a red mug - now I need to buy one.

Sandra Cox said...


Nadia Adams said...

Thanks for sharing your favorite with us; it’s always nice to revisit timeless treasures!

Nadia Adams said...

I really enjoyed your Writerly Wednesday post—it's always great to learn new writing tips and interesting facts!