Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Writerly Wednesday AND Did You Know

What's the meaning, definition, your example or your sentence for: 

Sentence: He draggled his jacket through the mud.

Dictionary definition: Draggle Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster


Did you know, supermarket apples can be a year old?


For more information: Your Apples Are A Year Old | Food Renegade


Elephant's Child said...
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Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Sandra - yes to both ... I had a cousin who farmed apples in Kent and if you take the oxygen out of the storage area (and no doubt many other techie aspects) apples won't deteriorate much. Growing up I remember storing apples over winter ... so for a good few months ... til early summer probably - they didn't do too well - but made puree etc ... cheers and enjoy the lead up to the weekend - cheers Hilary

Frankly what's worse is people picking up bags of fruit or veg, or loose ones and then just dumping them down ... bruising them ... customers often aren't much help ... cheers H!?

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Some of those apples in the supermarket looked as though they had been draggled. Time to visit the local farmer, better even than the farmer’s market where one is not always sure that it’s fresh local produce.

Andrew said...

Draggled? Dragged.
I didn't know about apples but that explains why I stopped eating them.

Sandra Cox said...

Innit it the truth on politicians draggling. Good job on that word usage. I didn't know about the apples and was appalled.

Christine said...

Wow on those year old apples

Jeanie said...

I didn't now that about apples but I'm not surprised.

Sandra Cox said...

Sounds like you had/have a good apple source.
Nobody wants bruised apples, that's for sure.

Sandra Cox said...

Great use of the word and great idea:)

Sandra Cox said...

Dragged is purrfect.
I still eat apples but have given up on bananas:)

Sandra Cox said...

Stunned me.

Sandra Cox said...

I must be naive cause it stunned me:)

CJ Kennedy said...

Dragged a jacket is sufficient and apples a year old? 😱

Citu said...

Uy no lo sabía te mando un beso

Jamie Ghione said...

Two more things I did not know.

Sandra Cox said...

Thumbs up on the word usage. Apples...shocking, innit?

Sandra Cox said...

Thanks, JP. Sending you a hug.

Birgit said...

One early spring, very wet, day, my hubby went flying through the air, when our Harley saw a squirrel and took off after it. Harley draggled my hubby through the mud opening up the poop bag that was tied to the leash spreading the poop wealth all over hubby’s chest and legs along with the mud. Now hubby still had to walk home..he was not a happy camper.

I eat 2 apples each day!

Sandra Cox said...

Your factoid and word for the week:)

Sandra Cox said...

Oh my.

Sandra Cox said...

PS 2 apples a day should keep the doctor away:) Heh.