How are you? Wonderful, I hope.
I wish I had exciting news to report, like Reuben Hayes--who is coming out Friday--has already sold mega copies and is destined to be a best seller. Or we won the lottery. Or the world is now a calmer, safer, friendlier, and environmentally healthier place.
Since that hasn't happened, here's the usual garden pics:)
Be well, my friends.
Thanks for those beautiful (soothing) garden photos.
Hasn’t happened yet and is unlikely to happen any time soon - or ever - so keep that floral therapy coming.,
Hi Sandra - still ketchup-day ... that's good to see ... isn't Spring wonderful ... it is just about here - cheers and enjoy your week - Hilary
Love the garden phots and that fish!
Lovely flowers -Christine
I prefer to believe your good news -- if not now, soon! The garden is looking great!
Your garden pics are a welcome respite in the 💩storm of daily news.
I still am holding out hope for your best seller status! Beautiful garden pics too. Happy almost release xo
EC, How wonderful to see(in the cyber sense)you here.
Thank you for the kind words.
Thank you, David:) Here's hoping that the world shakes out all the negatives.
Spring does bring us joy, doesn't it, Hils? Cheers
Thanks, Alex:) Appreciate that.
Thanks, Jamie:) I got two more fishies. I'll post them one of these days.
Thanks, Christine:)
Let's hear it for good news:) My garden and I thank you:)
Your flowers bring a sense of peacefulness. I wish flowers were sprouting here, however, it is still too cold and dreary. Here's to more sales. I hope those wild fires aren't near you. Stay safe!
I always love your flower pictures. They give me hope we'll get flowers here one of these days too.
Thanks, CJ. That does pretty much sum up our news.
Thanks, my friend. I appreciate the 'holding out hope':)
Thanks, True. The fires are in the western portion of the state and we are central. I appreciate the concern.
I'm glad:) Thanks, Natalie.
I do like that fish and your flowers are lovely to see.
All the best Jan
Your flowers are lovely. I still don't have any blooms to show. I'll never win the lottery because I don't buy the tickets so that celebration will never happen here. We're toddling along.
Bellas flores. Te mando un beso.
It's always nice to look at flowers and enjoy the colours and beauty
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