Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Ketch-Up Day


Anyone got crocuses coming up?  I gotta get some bulbs.  Have you been working outside? I'm mulching the garden, 12 bags and counting;)

How's your weather been? I hope none of you have gotten caught in the nastiness that Mother Nature threw out recently.

In The Garden and In The Crockpot;)



That's it for now. Enjoy the rest of your week.


Christine said...

Lovely spring blooms!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Sandra - they're are blooms around and I do love crocuses ... I remember seeing them in Hyde Park, when I lived and worked in London town all those decades ago, the crocuses carpeted great areas of the Park - wonderful to see. All well here - though no garden to garden in ... enjoy getting on with Spring life as I'm doing - cheers Hilary

Andrew said...

Nice photos. I would be very impressed if the line was, 'From the garden to the hotpot'.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I don't know what they are but we have some flowers growing out there.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Both the garden and the crockpot are looking great!

Natalie Aguirre said...

I love your pictures. We're not to bulb stage yet, but it is warming up some days.