Anyone got crocuses coming up? I gotta get some bulbs. Have you been working outside? I'm mulching the garden, 12 bags and counting;)
How's your weather been? I hope none of you have gotten caught in the nastiness that Mother Nature threw out recently.
In The Garden and In The Crockpot;)
That's it for now. Enjoy the rest of your week.
Lovely spring blooms!
Hi Sandra - they're are blooms around and I do love crocuses ... I remember seeing them in Hyde Park, when I lived and worked in London town all those decades ago, the crocuses carpeted great areas of the Park - wonderful to see. All well here - though no garden to garden in ... enjoy getting on with Spring life as I'm doing - cheers Hilary
Nice photos. I would be very impressed if the line was, 'From the garden to the hotpot'.
I don't know what they are but we have some flowers growing out there.
Both the garden and the crockpot are looking great!
I love your pictures. We're not to bulb stage yet, but it is warming up some days.
I went looking to see if the crocus shoots have poked up. Not yet. Some daffodils are coming up. So nice to see Spring in your yard.
I love the rich blues and reds with the yellow...Spring is at your doorstep. I saw someone had those tiny white flowers like little bells. We have nuttin! I feel bad for the people who got hit so badly in the mid west. Too many people died. We just got rain and some thunder. I hope you visit my blog today and take a gander at the blog I am talking about. My ex was do upset that he had a panic attack and was at the hospital. My heart went out to him.
Ack. So sorry to hear about the panic attack, Birgit. I visited Jeff's site. It's wonderful you two have remained close.
Thanks, Christine:) Glad you like them.
No flowers here yet but, the trees are budding and it's getting warmer. Last week, I got caught in nasty weather while visiting friends. A tornado touched down not far from where I was staying.
I need to plant crocuses this fall -- I don't have any and I really do like them! But I'm seeing daff shoots, so at least it's promising!
Right there with ya on no crocuses and wanting to plant some, Jeanie.
Crocuses are so pretty and perky, aren't they, Hils?
Andrew, Nice/creative turn of phrase.
Yay for flowers, regardless of names and varieties.
Thanks, David;)
Natalie, Yay for warmer weather;)
Thanks, CJ:) Yay for your daffies popping up.
Oh yikes, True. Glad you were safe.
Sounds like you're getting a head start on the garden—12 bags of mulch is impressive! 🌱 No crocuses here, but San Jose has been getting hit with some serious rain lately. We had heavy downpours, gusty winds, and now another atmospheric river is on the way. Definitely not ideal gardening weather! Hopefully, it clears up soon so I can start thinking about spring planting too. Stay dry out there! ☔🌿
Bellas flores. Te mando un beso.
Thanks, J.P. Sending you hugs.
Great garden pics, Sandra. I love when the flowers make a spring comeback. Hoping soon here too. Xo
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