Friday, March 21, 2025

Weekend Wishes



Today I'm posting on Wister's famous classic  THE VIRGINIAN, considered by many to be the first American Western novel.  If you're interested, please drop by. Love to have ya.



Truedessa said...

Happy Weekend, Sandra! I will check out the link.

Sandra Cox said...

Happy weekend to you, True, AND thanks:)

D.L. Finn said...

Happy weekend, Sandra! I have to resubcribe to Cowboy Kisses. Xo

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

You too ... enjoy yourselves - cheers Hilary

Jeanie said...

Happy Weekend, Sandra!

Sandra Cox said...

And a Happy Weekend to you, Denise:) S.C ox:)

Christine said...

Happy Weekend!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I hope that your weekend will be merry and magical, Sandra, with good food, great wine, fine cheese, strong coffee, brisk walks, birds singing, sun shining, flowers blooming - and whatever else makes you happy!

CJ Kennedy said...

Have a great weekend. Headbutts to Frank

Jacqui Murray--Writer-Teacher said...

Dropping by...

Sandra Cox said...

Thanks, Hils. Hope you do.

J.P. Alexander said...

Ten un buen fin de semana. Te mando un beso.

Sandra Cox said...

Thanks,Jeanie:) You too.

Lee said...

This weekend is better than some have been lately.

Cyclone Alfred poked his nosey nose in, uninvited and unwelcome, causing much mayhem in the area…in South-East Queensland and its surrounds. Here on the hill in the Gold Coast Hinterland where I live, we lost power. I was without power for a week…some others for longer. We had no water (we’re not on town water supply here…we’re reliant on rainwater tanks, and the electric pumps that dispense said water); we’re septic, not sewerage, so no flushing toilets; contents of fridge and freezer had to be tossed out. Our local supermarket couldn’t open for a week because their generator wouldn’t work. I felt so sorry for them because they had to toss out so much food…so much.

Things are getting back on track, but the crews are still working hard, clearing away the debris caused by Alfie’s fury.

Sandra Cox said...

OMG. I'm so sorry to hear this. Sounds like a week from hell.

Sandra Cox said...

Thank you, Christine, and to you.

Sandra Cox said...

What wonderful wishes, David. Thank you.

Sandra Cox said...

Thanks, CJ. He returned them.