I spent part of mine reading another Randy Wayne White novel. Per usual several insightful--and some just plain funny--quote-isms caught my eye.
"The awareness of individuality is implicit in the face of anyone, who as a child, is forced to stand apart from the crowd. The reason doesn't matter. It might be because of skin color, problems at home, clothing that doesn't come up to the expectation of peers, perceived differences in social worth, acne...or one wayward, lonely eye."(Referring to a lazy eye)
"A right-hander's curveball spins in the same direction and with the approximate same degree of inclination as the Earth."

Same with aging runners."
"Love can be extremely painful."
"No shit, Sherlock."
"In baseball"..."the good feelings don't last long enough, and when you screw up, they last way too long..."The same with life."
"Oxygen and assholes--the two most common elements on earth."
I also worked in the garden. Here's some pics.
Love the quotes. Your garden is lovely. What kind of yellow lilies are those?
those greenish yellowish lilies are delightful. I have only orange ones, but they're pale this year since it was extremely hot in last week or two
LOL! Loved that last one.
your garden looks lovely
Very nice garden. Sounds like a great weekend. :)
Great quotes and beautiful garden pictures. I have a fellow author friend who is kinda perturbed with Randy Wayne White, just because my friend's name is Wayne White, and it's so hard to find his books amongst Randy Wayne's. Hehe!
Wow - amazing!
Hey CJ,
They're day lilies but those particular ones are huge. The blooms are bigger than my hands.
Hey Real, yeah that's about my favorite:)
Hey Dez, I keep thinking we're going to get hot weather and we keep getting rain.
Hey Jennifer, my favorite too. grin.
Pat, there you go:)
Thanks, Jennifer:)
Thanks, Rebecca.
Hey Cherie, Yeah, I could see where the Wayne White could be a problem. grin.
Hey Ms. Julia, How are you?
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