Greetings, Blogger Buds. Even though it's August and hot here, please stroll through the garden with me.
The crepe myrtles are in bloom.
The hibiscus is blooming too.
The Brown-Eyed Susans and hibiscus are starting to hide (maybe shield) the garden fairy.
The hydrangeas are making their last hurrah. As you know the color is dependent on the soil. All three of these are just a few feet apart, so I find their final colors fascinating.
You can tell from these pics I haven't turned the mulch nearly as often as I should have. 😐 What do you think it is? The baby girl and I thought tomatoes.
And later.
Yup. Cherry tomatoes.
We got six inches of rain in two days. Who'd a thought?
In The Kitchen....
If it isn't easy. I don't fix it. 😊
These apples were easy. Apples, butter, honey and cinnamon cooked on top the stove. I used two tablespoons of honey with honey crisp apples, which for me--with these particular apples--made them a little too sweet. But still good:)
AND I brushed sweet corn with olive oil, added salt and braised it in the skillet. The meatless item is a steaklet and one of the best plant based meat(less) items I've had.
Okay I'm officially and totally grossed out. I was pulling the various 'junk' (that normally consists of leaves) out of Frank's bushy tail and discovered I was pulling out a slug. Ack. Ack. Ack. It wasn't a small one either.😧That tail is like a feather duster for the great outdoors.
What about you, blogger buds? Got flowers? Cats? Easy meals? Slugs?
Oh no, a slug in Franks tail, yuck! That would have grossed me out, too. Your garden is looking good. Have a happy August, and save me a portion of those apples, yummy! Hugs, Valerie
Crepe Myrtles are always good.
I'm not familiar with Brown Eyed Susan. It looks like a form of sunflower.
Yes, definitely tomatoes.
The apples sound delicious. I'm not fussed on corn. I would not make a good American.
Perhaps you should make Frank angry so he thrashes his tail to rid it of any slugs contained within.
What a super rain gauge.
I love crape myrtles and hydrangeas especially. Not to mention cherry tomatoes! Your post made me miss our garden. And that recipe for apples looks so yummy! Thanks for the share.
Hi Sandra -- got no cat, and thankfully no slug. Those apples and the corn both look delicious - love corn, but with fish preferably. Wonderful flowers - while banks of hydrangeas always show mixes of colours ... well they do here - as you say dependent on the soil. Happy week - cheers Hilary
Yay to the goodness of apples and corn, no to the meatlessness and slug(lol) I declare your flowers need to be displayed on HGTV or in a book. Totally fabulous! Happy RO month, Super Sandra! Hugs, RO
Garden: beautiful 💚
Food: yum 👅
Cat: awww 🙂
My kind of meal, Sandra. Never tried meatless meat, though.
Your garden is doing great. You have some lovely photos of the flowers, plants, and trees growing in your yard. Love that you are getting cherry tomatoes from your mulch pile. Isn't Mother Nature amazing?
Sorry to read about the slug. I no longer let Bleubeard outside unless he's right by my side, but Squiggles has virgin paws that have never been on real soil before. Just the soil that hides in my carpets (grin). Welcome to August, dear friend.
Your garden is so beautiful and lush. My hydrangeas are pink, I know our soil is really acidy, and I forget to feed them :) Your myrtles are so pretty. The apples had my mouth watering, I might have to make some tonight. As for a slug, that us something I would least expect to pull out of a cat's fur... lol!
You have a beautiful garden, those apples sound very tasty! I have had to get a slug out of my dog’s tail - yuck! I popped in to say I have just finished reading Shardai. Fabulous read. My granddaughter and I love reading The Warrior Cats books so I thought I would like your story. At one point my granddaughter said “What’s wrong Grandma?” (Foxes!)
Yuck indeed. I was hopping around like a jumping bean:)
Thank you.
Come on over and I'll make you fresh apples:)
Hugs received and returned.
Brown Eyed Susans are reminiscent of sunflowers aren't they, Andrew? They're very hearty.
Ha about Frank thrashing his tail.
I'm enjoying the rain gauge. I got it in the mountains.
Take special care.
I'm a... veggie tarry un... as we spell in trout towne; whose brand of steaklet; we get morning star up here...
frankie....dood....way ta go buddy :) may bee next time ya can brush yur tail under de sofa and find sum looze 20's and 50's !! ;) ♥♥☺☺
Your garden is fabulous. I love the color variations of your hydrangeas. I'm with Ewwwww on the slug. With all the rain we've had they had gotten into my petunias and I pulled one out. Gross! Now that things are drying out, Himself dusted all the plants with food grade Diatomaceous Earth to keep the bugs and slugs off.
No slugs in Lizzie's tail -- I knew there was a reason why she was an innie-girl! Love that glorious tree. Your garden is looking pretty amazing!
My sunflowers are still opening up. They're from the seeds of last year's sunflowers.
Thank you:)
I'd like some pink hydrangeas but not enough to fool with changing the soil:)
Enjoy your apples if you fix them:)
The last time I found something squishy in his tail it was an earthworm:(
Hey Elizabeth, How are things going in your corner of the world?
Thanks, Hils.
You have a Happy Week too:)
Why thank you, Ms. Rockin Ro. What a kind thing to say.
Happy Ro month indeed.
Hugs received and returned.
Thanks, HG:)
Lovely trees and flowers!
Heh. You are a wise woman to keep Squiggles inside. No creepy crawlies that way:)
Bellas flores yo tengo perros y me encanta el maíz te mando un beso
Love your garden picks including the rain water gadget..I would love to get one plus I need a fairy or more. Your cat is so cute and it’s a hard job to sleep most of the day.
Thank you:)
I feel your pain on the slug on your dog's tail. Shudder.
And thanks for stopping by and letting me know you enjoyed, Shardai. So glad to hear that.
Have a great one.
Worthington makes the steaklets. Found them at Ingles. So far they're my favorites:)Let's hear it for vegetarianism:)
I definitely would have preferred 20s and 50s in the tail than slugs, but he'd be hard put to find them around here. Grin.
Ack, ack, ack on the slug. Good to know about the Diatomaceous Earth. Thanks. Also thanks for the kind comments on the garden and color variations of the hydrangeas.
Have a great one.
Slugs sound like a good reason to have an innie-girl to me:)
The flowers are so beautiful! We as well have some flowers, and they are growing nicely. That's cool you have a rain gauge! (I think that's what they are called.) Yeah slugs in Franks tail is realllllly ewwww heh. I actually never see slugs here for some reason, so no I don't have slugs lol. Have a good week!
It's so exciting watching seeds take root and grow. Enjoy.
Thanks, J.P.
I love the pics of your dogs on your blog.
I'm sending you a hug,
Thank you, Birgit:)
I recommend fairies in every garden:)
Yeah, it's a tough job, but some kitty has to do it:)
I'm hoping you are having a good day.
Thanks, Aishu. Glad your flowers are doing well.
I have wanted a good rain gauge (Yes, that's what they are called) forever. I'm really enjoying it.
Lucky you for having no slugs. I'll gladly share. Haha.
YOU have a good week too.
Sorry for the late comment but for now have solved my problem:
Thank you for a most wonderful walk Sandra as it's raining here and looking at those great pictures really cheered me.
Take care.
So glad you're back, Yvonne:)
I'm happy the pictures cheered.
Your garden is looking good the crepe myrtles look great.
All the best Jan
A slug??? Yucky!!!!!
Your garden is truly beautiful Sandra! We have been so hot and dry all month that I have cut everything down. We have been breaking records. It's bad!
Your food sounds so yummy! Big Hugs!
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