Tuesday, October 24, 2023

It's Tuesday, Ketch-up Day



What's been going on in your neck of the woods?

Here's my big excitement and no it's not a new mode of transportation. Hehe. Though, it looks like Frank is thinking about trying it out;)

Some of you gardeners might recognize it.  I admit I wouldn't have before I purchased it. It's a garden broom.

Do any of the rest of you have to deal with leaves in your rocks when fall hits?  It's right up there, or maybe I should say down there, with weeding.  How in the heck do you get them out? The only other option I'm aware of is blowing and a) I don't like hauling a blower around, b) Blowers tend to scatter the rocks.

This is a picture of before and we haven't even had a good fall yet.  You can wade through them once they really get falling.

This was after sweeping.

And this is me:


Yup, the hits don't stop at our house. What wild and crazy things are you up to?


Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

That rock broom is a new one to me. Looks like it works, too. You find the best and weirdest things (grin).

Elephant's Child said...

Love that broom. Loathe blowers.

Andrew said...

If you hadn't mentioned about the broom being transport, someone would have. Possibly me. It is indeed a very fine looking broom. If the correct broom is chosen, maybe there wouldn't be the need for blowers. Mind, I can see the appeal of blowing leaves away and they become someone else's problem.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Sandra - those sorts of brooms are well known to me ... but this time of year they come into their own - no rest for them ... be it leaves or witches! I hate blowers ... they make so so much noise ... and don't let me mention the people who wield them! My boiler is being bad again - plumber on way ... cheers Hilary

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Garden broom - we'll have to get one of those.

Jamie Ghione said...

I like how the cat is looking at the broom ;)

Valerie-Jael said...

I don't have any rocks, but I do have a broom, but not as lovely as yours. Love how Frank is looking at it! Have a great week, hugs, Valerie

CJ Kennedy said...

I never heard of a broom for sweeping leaves off rocks. I usually just let the wind and weather take care of things. 😉

Computer Tutor said...

I have rocks in my yard, under trees. Hunh. This sounds like when I was gobsmacked by the amazing feather duster (and immediately bought one on Amazon).

D.L. Finn said...

We used to hand pick leaves out of the rocks growing up. I would have loved having something like that! Plus, it would look great with my costume this weekend ;) xo

Christine said...

Sounds like a good idea to try this broom.

Natalie Aguirre said...

Sweeping leaves out of rocks sounds hard. I don't have a rock garden so I don't have them there. But it's fall, and my maple tree will lose all its leaves soon. I'll be raking a lot.

Sandra Cox said...

Elizabeth, Hehe. It's my newest toy:)
EC, Yay, I'm not the only one that hates blowers:)
Andrew, You are so funny:)
Hils, Leaves or witches. Heh. Darn boiler!

D. Wallace Peach said...

Sweeping seems to have done the trick, Sandra. My brother blows them off his gravel/stone yard, but then he ends up raking the rocks back into place. I'll tell him to get his witch's broom out and give it a try! :-D

Romance Book Haven said...

Oh I need one of this broom. I have white rocks all around and leaves make it look splotchy.

Sandra Cox said...

Alex, I'm thrilled with mine. Got it on Amazon.
Jamie, Frank has to have his nose in everything:)
Val, I'm sure your broom is an excellent one:) Hugs received and returned.
CJ, You're going to have to start raking those leaves. They all end up at my house. Hehe.
Jacqui. Heh. Yeah, gobsmacked sums it up for me and I bought it on Amazon. ha:)
Denise, Yup, done the picking thing. No fun. I want pics of you in costume;) xoxo
Christine, I'm pleased with it:)
Natalie, I feel your pain with raking. I gotta do that too.
Diana, Hehe.
Romance Book Haven: I know just what you mean. I think you'd like the broom. Got it on Amazon.

J.P. Alexander said...

Lindo tu gato. Suerte con el libro. Te mando un beso.

Birgit said...

I should show this to my hubby who does all the gardening.

Sandra Cox said...

Thanks, J.P. sending you hugs.
Birgit, Definitely.

Jeanie said...

I'll remember that if I ever get a rock area in the garden. Your clean-up looks great!