Tuesday, October 31, 2023

It's Tuesday. Ketchup-day.


Happy Halloween, Bloggers,

Are you stocked up with candy? Get many trick r treaters?  We don't get a lot here, but we've got candy on hand.

I got my leaves raked Saturday. This is what I had Monday, sigh:


Christmas in October

My walking buddy brought my Christmas gift early so I could get some use out of it.  Aren't those bowls purrfect? The HH was quite impressed that one bowl came with chocolate:)



A little fall color



In California


AND last but not least


So what's going on with you, blogger buds? Got leaves? Snow? Tricker R Treaters?


Elephant's Child said...

Lots of smiles. Love those bowls. I suspect we will get no trick or treaters, the leaves are emerging rather than falling and we definitely have no snow.

Andrew said...

Your trees are colouring up nicely.
I can't get past the witch, or is it ghoul, hanging from what looks like a public building in Nevada.

Donna said...

Fun photos! We've got cold weather hitting here, as well.
Stay warm and hopefully, dry!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I raked and mowed Sunday and now my lawn looks about the same.
I'll take Colorado.

CJ Kennedy said...

We don't get any trick or treaters even though we live on the main drag. There aren't sidewalks or much street lighting. The town has had several Halloween events for the kids. Since we're a farm community, one of the farms had a Tractor Treat event. The school had a Trunk or Treat. The fire department usually has an event on the town common and then treats and goodies for the kids at the firehouse across the street. There was an Oh, my Gourd event on the common. People carved pumpkins and there was a prize for the best one. Leaves are on the ground. Waiting for the lawn guy to come take care of them hopefully this week. Your colors look spectacular. Oh, and no candy. Love those bowls! Happy Halloween 🐈‍⬛

Jeanie said...

These are great photos! I LOVE the bowls --- that's a very good friend who knows you well. And smart to give them to you now and not later. Your color is pretty too. I'm lucky I don't have too many leaves -- what I have can usually be mulched in the mower. Whew.

I think we are going to bag Halloween tonight, stay in and make the annual Halloween chili and maybe watch Arsenic and Old Lace or Rocky Horror. Last year we had 13 kids. Tonight they are predicting cold, maybe rain or snow. And candy is bloody expensive this year and I don't want it hanging around. I might get one bag and turn off the light when it's gone. We'll see.

Christine said...

That is an early Xmas gift!

Jamie Ghione said...

We don't get a lot of trick-or-treaters at my house. Thus, we never know how much candy to get and are stuck with a lot of it.
Our work party was yesterday.

Valerie-Jael said...

Lovely pictures! I don't think anybody will ring here this evening, and that's good, as I've already eaten the candy! Have a great Hallloween, hugs, Valerie

Sandra Cox said...

Andrew, I vote for ghoul.
Thanks, Donna. Hugs received and returned.
Alex, I feel your pain.
CJ, Sounds like a lot of Halloween festivities going on in your area. Enjoy.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

I love the Halloween kitty bowls.

There are some homes in Raleigh that go all out for Halloween. Sadly, several of them were vandalized last week.

D.L. Finn said...

I love the bowls, Sandra! Perfect gift :) Beautiful fall trees and thanks for including my witchy side....lol No trick or treaters here, we go downtown to see them Happy Halloween! Xo

Sandra Cox said...

Jeanie, You are lucky not to have a lot of leaves for sure. Sounds like you will have a fun Halloween evening.
Christine, Yes, it was fun:)
Jamie, Same here, so we make sure to get the candy we/I like:) The HH can't have chocolate.
Val, Hehe about eating the candy. Hugs received and returned.
Diane, I'll be using those bowls year round:) I'm so sorry to hear about the vandalism.
Denise, Thanks. The bowls are great. I can see you as a fairy,but can't find you in that witch:) xo

Computer Tutor said...

Happy Halloween girlfriend! Have a great one.

J.P. Alexander said...

Ten un feliz Halloween. Te mando un beso.

Birgit said...

Those bowls are so pretty and perfect for candy. I worked late and didn’t get in until 8:30 so missed any trick o’ treaters. My hubby a is a bah humbug with Halloween so he doesn’t give out candy. It didn’t look like many kids were out there though. I can’t get over your back yard! I hope you are doing ok after that escapade. Love the colours and the costumes.