Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Ketch-Up Day



How are you? I feel like I may need an exorcist the way the weather is causing my head to spin. We dealt with drought conditions and mandatory water restrictions this summer then in the last few weeks we've had over eight inches of rain and now heavy rains, storms and tropical cyclones are heading to North Carolina at the end of the week. Though probably nothing like what Florida and the more southern coastline have experienced.  

August Calendars 

 Yes, this is true;)
This is a D.L. Finn calendar. (Thanks, Denise:) August may be my favorite picture and photo so far.

North Carolina skies 


Florida sky

Thanks, Shane. 

Reflective Kitty

 What's going on in your neck of the woods? How's your weather?



Elephant's Child said...

Love all your photos.
Our winter has been warmer than usual and dry. Which worries me.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Here it is extra hot and dry. We are under a heat dome and have been for nearly a week. The old adage when it rains it pours, seems to fit you well this week, dear. Hope things calm down for you soon. Love the reflective kitty.

"Failed to publish" is back. I HATE blogger at times.

Andrew said...

The severe winter chill has abated somewhat here, but it could easily return. I hope your weather is not too extreme.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Our weather is a little hotter than most of us would like it, but this year we have had both moisture and heat so everywhere is green and lush. May it stay that way!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Shane's shot is impressive.
We are to get at least ten inches of rain thanks to Debby.

Christine said...

We had a lot of rain the past few days it was getting dry

Sandra Cox said...

EC, I hear your worry about the dry and sending rain wishes your way.
Elizabeth, Sending rain wishes your way too. I hate and fear the drought. Oh no, on the 'failed to publish'. Yeah, blogger isn't always user friendly. Unfortunately, for us.
Thank you, Andrew. Hope your weather stays moderate.
David, Let's hear it for green and lush.

Adam said...

Weather has been scorching hot

L. Diane Wolfe said...

NC skies - cloudy and very rainy. We are currently averaging an inch an hour!

Sandra Cox said...

Alex, 10". Yikes. ie the pic. Shane said it was called alpenglow.
Christine, Glad you got some rain, hope you don't get too much.
Adam, That's no fun. Are you getting the rains yet?
Yikes. That's a lot of rain, Di. Stay safe.

Citu said...

Lindos calendarios. Me gusta tu gato.

Jamie Ghione said...

Still hot here in California.

Jeanie said...

Our summer has been up and down weather-wise. Today I want it hot but right now (8:30) it's not even 60. I hope you stay safe and have no flooding at home or in your area.

D.L. Finn said...

Yes, the weather is crazy! Drought to too much seems the normal now. Hottest summer I can remember having, mixed with smoke occasionally. Can't wait for fall. Xo

J.Q. Rose said...

Hope the weather has calmed down now for you. It feels like a fall day in Michigan. Cool temps--high of 67 and cloudy. Even with crazy weather, our garden is doing great. I guess I could thank the gardener for that!! Zucchini crop is outdoing itself. Yay for zucchini cake!!

Sandra Cox said...

J.P. Thank you:) Sending you hugs.
Jamie, Hoping you get cool weather soon.
Denise, I think you are right. I think it actually is the hottest summer on record.
Janet, Both cool temps and zucchini cake sound good:)