Amber eyes glowed in the predawn dark. My heart rose in my throat. “Who’s there?” I croaked and fumbled for the light switch.
Brightness flooded the room and caused Uncle’s silver-clawed ocelot, stretched out on the bed, to blink.
“Oz.” With a sigh of relief I fell on the pink duvet and stroked his sleek head. The coverlet rustled as he rolled on his back, stuck his feet in the air and made loud rumbling noises in his throat. His silver claws gleamed in the light.
The average ocelot doesn’t have silver claws. But Oz was born on Vampire Island where silver claws had evolved in ocelots as a defense mechanism against vampires.
Feeling absurdly better with Oz in the room, I stripped down to my pink chemise and thong then raced across the cold wooden floor, flipped off the light, ran back and hopped in bed. I burrowed in between white flannel sheets that emitted the clean, comforting scent of detergent. Oz nestled beside me. Warm and toasty, I fell asleep to his rumbling purr and dreamed…
The bat swooped down. Its wing slid over my throat in an icy caress. I shrank back against the dank black wall. The bat fluttered in front of me. “Zoe.” The voice brought my stomach to my throat. Clammy beads of sweat broke out on my forehead. Dere!
“You thought you’d killed me, didn’t you?” His laugh echoed and reechoed in my head. I clasp it to stop the mad laughter.
“You can’t kill me, Zoe, but I can kill you.”
I screamed then but as in most dreams no sound came out, except a horrible moan that stuck in my throat.
The bat hovered in front of my face. He squealed and revealed fangs that dripped with saliva. I threw up my hands to protect my face. The rodent swooped in and bit my hand. The pain woke me.
Available at:Amazon.com
Good luck with your contest. I'm off to tweet it for you. The bracelet is gorgeous. Really pretty!
Isn't that a beautiful bracelet! How lovely!
I would love to enter the Vampire Bay contest. Truth be told, I would love to read the book!
the cover of Vampire Bay is beautiful and the excerpt was wonderful. i can't wait to read the book.
What a great contest! I'm a big fan of Cookie Lee!
Thank you, Shelley, that's so nice of you!
Hi Anny, yes its pretty:)
Thanks, Patsy, good to hear:) You're entered.
Thanks, Tammy, I appreciate that. You're entered:)
Thanks, Lovely Julia. I like her too!
I'm mentioning Vampire Bay contest first off as I read it in your newsletter.. Always enjoy visiting your blog and seeing what's new. Have a great month of August.
I would love to be entered in the Vampire Bay Contest
Thank you for the Vampire Bay Contest. I am interested in learning about the first two books in the series!
books4me67 at ymail.com
Jackie, Jennifer and Books, you are entered:) Thanks for the interest.
Please enter the Vampire Bay contest.
Thank you!
mittens0831 at aol dot com
Please enter me into the Vampire Bay Contest. Your web site is lovely and very informative!
Hi Sandra:) Tossing in my plea to be entered in the Vampire Day contest:)
This summer's been hectic; I've been neglecting blogger!
Hi Carol, You're entered. Thanks for stopping by.
Thanks Moundsbar:) I appreciate it. And thanks for stopping by. You're entered.
Hey Molly, How the heck are you?
You're entered.
I would love to enter the Vampire Bay Contest. Keeping my fingers crossed.
musicalfrog at comcast.net
I have not come accross this series before now. Vampire Bay and the others sound very interesting. I'll have to see about getting them.
Please enter me into The Vampire Bay Contest. Your book looks very good and that bracelet is gorgeous.
Hi, Patti. Hi, R.
You're both entered.
Thanks, R, for the interest in the series. Much appreciated.
Hey you - good to see lots of interest on your books. You deserve it. I know the winner will enjoy the prize
Vampire Bay Contest - I saw this contest posted at Goodess Fish.
I love vampires. Thanks for the chance to read one of your books. I am always looking for new authors.
HI Judy, Thanks for the comment on the books. You're entered:)
Hi Jen, Glad you stopped by and entered.
Hello, Ms. Amarinda,
How the heck are you?
I LOVE the excerpt you've posted and would be thrilled if I could get my hands on your new book! The extra goodies you're offering for the Vampire Bay Contest are wonderful and I appreciate your generosity.
joderjo402 AT gmail DOT com
Hi Joder, Thanks so much for taking the time to enter. I see by your icon you're a cat person. Kudos:)
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