Wednesday, December 2, 2015

IWSG Wednesday

'It’s time for another group posting of the Insecure Writer’s Support Group! Time to release our fears to the world – or offer encouragement to those who are feeling neurotic.'
Today's theme: Writers...We're just like rabbits
With the advent of self-publishing, we've become a dime a dozen...or free a dozen:) It's become a mixed bag. Anyone who has any aspirations at all of writing, no matter the level of competence, can get published. This ability has created a market that's flooded. Some of my books have moved from the hundred thousands into the millions. But even though it means--for some of us--being one small fish swimming with a gazillion other small fish trying to stand out, the bottom line is that anyone can now realize their dreams and if it makes sales harder to come by so be it. Getting published is a gift. Back in the day when there were only trad houses, many of us got reeled in, looked at, then tossed back. The acceptance level was limited  and extremely difficult to achieve. Then came small press and the publishing doors were thrown open. And today anyone can create a quality product in e and paper. So while self publishing has made life more challenging, to my way of thinking the positives far out way the negatives. What's your take?

 Queen of Diamonds, part of the Matter of Taste Anthology, is now out in e and paper at Amazon.

Logan Hunter is a bestselling author with a penchant for the ladies. Kendall Theron, his efficient publicist is prim and colorless—at least on the surface. Beneath the proper facade is a woman who will do anything to protect her family, even if it’s not quite legal.
Kendall, knowing her boss’s propensity for the fair sex, has replicated herself into a lady who should hold no appeal for the charismatic charmer she works for. She’s even added a Mrs. in front of her name for an extra layer of protection. If her boss ever turns those sharp eyes on her, if his curiosity is unleashed and he digs up her secrets, the results could mean jail time.
It’s taken Logan Hunter nearly three years to discover there’s more to his employee than meets the eye. An unplanned kiss that ignites them both has him looking at his publicist in a whole new light. He soon learns that the woman he thought he knew doesn’t exist, her persona an illusion. Everything she’s told him is a lie and he’s determined to find out why.

Vampire Island is on sale through December 7th for .99 at Amazon.

My name is Zoe Tempest. Just let me say, I had no intention of becoming a vampire hunter. My world revolved around the trendiest clothes, the boy of the week, shopping, and texting.
My life was as close to perfect as a seventeen year old could get. I had everything. Then my parents were murdered and my world came crashing down.
After their funeral, I went to live with my uncle Julian Kilmer. That’s when everything changed. In a manner more terrifying than anything I could have imagined.


Valerie-Jael said...

I think it's good that publishing books is no longer limited to a small 'elite'. Readers can form their own opinions and have a wider choice. I loved the anthology 'matter of choice'. Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

Sandra Cox said...

I agree, Val. Glad you liked the anthology:)

Annalisa Crawford said...

On the whole, I think it's a great thing. But the practices of a minority--ie, plagiarising already published work and/or releasing badly edited and poor quality work--tarnish the majority of very good self-published work.

As a writer, I have no problem reading self-published books, but I have friends who stick to books they can find on the high street. There's still a long way to go to make all books fully accessible.

Elephant's Child said...

As an avid and obsessed reader, the more the better. However, I do agree with Annalisa. Some people do jump in way too soon.

DEZMOND said...

the market ain't just flooded it's drowning :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

There are still enough readers out there. The population continues to rise and rise, which means more readers. I'll not begrudge anyone achieving their dream.

Unknown said...

As a writer I find it a relief that there are so many publishing opportunities.
As a reader I do some times get frustrated by the lack of quality in some self published books. Although that does make finding a good one more exciting :) and I will want to tell everyone about it.

Pat Hatt said...

Without it I'd never have published a thing, so can't knock it indeed. Although now getting that big hit has the same odds as winning the lottery.

Sandra Cox said...

Good points, Annalisa. I have a handful of trad authors I read faithfully. A lot of self pubs I'll pick up on the cheap and I find some amazing reads. At that point, I keep buying from the author. I also try to support the buds which is a mix of trads, small press and indie.

Sandra Cox said...

Readers now, myself included grin, have a veritable feast to choose from in any genre.

Sandra Cox said...

LOL. Yup, its true.

Sandra Cox said...

Agreed, Alex.

Sandra Cox said...

Hi Deborah, It is exciting discovering a new author!

Sandra Cox said...

You got that right, Pat.

nashvillecats2 said...

Great post Sandra, it's good anyone can publish a book. I am half way through my fourth poetry book, hope to complete it over Christmas as I will be alone.

Blue Grumpster said...

And it's a damn shame too.

Blue Grumpster said...


Hi Sandra.

Nas said...

Congratulations! There are more readers willing to try a new book on any day. Its hard work and sometimes luck to make it big.
All the best!

Sandra Cox said...

I'm sorry you'll be alone over Christmas but happy to hear about the 4th poetry book.

Sandra Cox said...

Hi Olivia Rose, I like your equation. Luck + Hard Work = Making It Big:)

Stephanie Faris said...

It has only shown that publishing and marketing a book is a business. It's a lot of work, too! It can be daunting, though, just trying to get a book seen when there are so many.

Sandra Cox said...

Yes indeed, Steph. Daunting is a good word for it.

Jenny Woolf said...

I think it is great that so many people can now get published. But there are always upsides and downsides of everything aren't there? I think the present situation is harder on those who want to write "literary fiction" which doesn't necessarily expect a huge readership - but might say very interesting and worthwhile things about life or show a mind expanding but challenging view of the world. It can help such writers to have marketing, editing and other support from publishers and I suppose these are the ones who persist in trying to get published in the traditional way.

Sandra Cox said...

Hi Blue:)

Birgit said...

I think this is a good thing because more people get to realize their dream and this also means more people are reading which i think is cool.