Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year's Resolutions From a Writer's Perspective

1. Write a 1000 words a night
2. Don't procrastinate
3. Keep up with blogs
4. Keep up with blogging buddies
5. Keep in mind that not everyone likes my work and that's okay. It doesn't make me a bad writer.
6. As long as I move forward, I'm not moving backward
7. Always use spell check
8. Rejoin RWA
9. Rejoin my local chapter
10. Tighten, tighten, tighten
11. Always use a grabber opener
12. Don't let the middle sag
13. Keep suspense in every chapter
14. Even if I hate it...advertise, advertise, advertise
15. Make sure my stories have a destination and don't wander too far off the path
16. Make my characters become so real, they'll talk to me
17. Build a world the reader can tumble into effortlessly
18. Keep things in perspective
19. Watch out for over-used words and ly(s)

 20. Make 2013 the best year ever

Here's hoping YOUR 2013 is wondrous.


L. Diane Wolfe said...

Keep moving forward - you're either growing or dying.

Your resolutions are perfect.

Sandra Cox said...

That's right. Thanks for stopping by, L.

Julia Rachel Barrett said...

Whoa - you have quite a list! I'm simply going to try to release 2-3 books and call it a year.

Sandra Cox said...

2 or 3 books works for me:)

CJ Kennedy said...

Great list!

Sandra Cox said...

Thanks, CJ. Though, Ms. Julia summed it up rather well, sell a couple or 3 books. grin.